Parents may need to find a counselor for a variety of reasons: a child may be struggling or a parent or the marriage may have trouble coping with the stresses of child rearing.
Psychiatrists are the doctors who specialize in medicating people with mood or self-control issues. Parents may need to find a psychiatrist to evaluate a child who is not behaving appropriately. A school may recommend that parents have a difficult or unhappy child evaluated by the psychiatrist to determine whether medications may be helpful.
An initial evaluation may cost $750 to $1,000. Some health plans cover the cost, at least partially. Unfortunately, many well qualified psychiatrists do not accept many insurance plans. Once the child has been evaluated, the psychiatrist may recommend a trial of a medication.
Psychiatrists usually see their role as prescribing medication rather than as counselors. Medication is generally more likely to be effective if it is accompanied by counseling, by a social worker or a psychologist.